Since it has become more popular, animation in the west has started putting hints of its distinct style that anime has. These include exaggerated facial expressions and different versions of the characters for a few seconds. Particularly, western animations like "The Batman" and "Teen Titans" use these characteristics. In "Batman Beyond" these characteristics are also there, which makes sense since some of its production processes were outsourced in Japan.
teen titans as seen on the show for most of the time.
exaggerated version seen for a few seconds.
Influences in Western animation can be seen also in the 80s', like the animation "transformers" which was inspired by mecha anime.
Another example is the american animation "Avatar: The Last Airbender". The show is technically not an anime because it originated from America but some people consider it an anime since both the plot and the style of the show are very similar to an anime. Once a reviewer had stated that "Avatar blurs the line between anime and (US) domestic cartoons until it becomes irrelevant" Creators of the show (Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino) have said that anime was a very big influence for them to create the show.
avatar the last airbender.
Some Disney movies have also been influenced by anime. Glen Keane, the animator for "the little mermaid", "beauty and the beast" and "Aladdin" has said that anime was a big part of the inspiration. Pete Docter, a director for "UP" and "monsters inc.", has also described anime, specifically Miyazaki, as a influence.
Anime has not only influenced America but also Canada and Europe. The french animation "Cody Lyoko" was one of the most successful animated series and its producers say that the visual impact of Japanese animation was an influence.
source: Anime-influenced animation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2013. Anime-influenced animation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 May 2013].
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