Thursday, May 16, 2013


japonisme and Japonism are both French terms. They were first used by Jules Claretie in the book "L' Art Francais" which he wrote in 18 72. The book is about the influence of Japanese art on Western art.
Japan opened trade again with the west and sold fans, porcelains, woodcuts and screens. These were all first time seen by European countries mostly effecting France and The Netherlands. This was around 1854.
Japanese art got a lot of attention from the World's Fair that was held in Europe in 1862. In the 1860s', Japanese art such as woodblock prints became very popular and got a lot of other artists inspired. Some of these artists were Monet,Degas and Van Gogh.

source: Japonisme, Japonaiserie, Japanese Influence on Van Gogh . 2013.Japonisme, Japonaiserie, Japanese Influence on Van Gogh . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 16 May 2013].

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